J-Birds Available Babies


J-Birds has the following babies available at this time.

Solomon Island Male and Female Weaned
People often ask us about the perfect bird for a family with children and we always respond "Eclectus". Although all Eclectus are gentle birds, Solomon Islands are exceptional. These two were born in the Fall and are the first birds our daughter's college friends go to when they come for a visit.

It's fun to watch them crawl over each other before we open the cage door to see who gets to come out first. These are very loving bird and would make the perfect family pet.

Vosmaeri Eclectus (F)
(actual photo)
Hatched December 7, 2004. We should call her "Pearl". She weighed 409 gms at 3 1/2 weeks. Sonia and Kalador have been producing some extremely large male babies for a couple of years. This is their first little girl. Deposits recommended.

Vosmaeri Eclectus (1) In Nest (Deposits Recommended)
At 14" Vosmaeri are the largest of all Eclectus. Females have a beautiful yellow band at the end of their tails. Stately, gentle, intelligent, good talkers, Vos' make a great family pet.

Our "Little" Friends
(actual photo)
Meet Max and Jake. We sold them to Tina in Baton Rouge, Louisiana a couple of years ago. They are the two most lovable Blue and Gold Macaws we ever raised. Max is perfect. Jake has scoliosis that causes him to have a hunch back. This also makes him the class clown and the most affectionate bird we have ever raised.

Tina has run into some problems and must sell them immediately. She is asking $1,000 for both birds and a large cage. We sold them as a pair because we thought it would be best for Jake to be with his brother. We would prefer that they stay together. If you or anyone you know might be interested in this excellent pair of birds please contact us at 504/415-3493 for more information.

It is possible for us to obtain other birds of interest from several reputable breeders in our area. If you desire a bird that is not listed on this page please feel free to email us and we will try to find the perfect bird for you.

(The photos above, unless otherwise noted, are representative of the species and sub-species mentioned and are not the babies available. We're more than happy send photos of the actual babies to interested parties upon request.)

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